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2014년 10월 16일에 발표하였으며, 모델 번호 A1347 및 EMC 2840로 식별할 수 있습니다.

198 질문 전체 보기

don't have permission to change sharing permissions

hello when I get info for the ssd drive that's connected to my 2014 Mac mini sharing and permissions say that I can only read, when I unlock the padlock and enter my password I get the error The operation can't be completed because you don't have the necessary permission. I find this weird because I can copy files to and from the drive.

thanks in advance


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It sounds like you have a second user account on this system go ito the account control panel and see if your active account has Admin status.

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댓글 21개:

I checked in users & groups and there is only one account and it has Admin status

@lethal99887 - Check the drives and folder permissions make sure your account (user name) is correctly entered spaces and case.

I checked the drives permissions and it says that I can only read

@lethal99887 - was this system bought used?

It sounds like the previous owner account was deleted and you just added your account.

At this point I think the smarter direction is to backup anything important and setup a bootable OS installer thumb drive so you can fully wipe the drive and install a fresh OS.

no I bought the system new , I have already wiped the drive and reinstalled and I still couldn't change permissions

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