As for your battery pinout, depends on which PB you have. For that the last 4 digits of your serial number might come in handy.
To test the battery, use a voltmeter to locate the positive and negative battery terminals and establish the polarity. Usually it is the outside (L+R) contacts that are positive and negative.Connecting the voltmeter to the outer terminals, take a 100-Ohm resistor (other values may also work), tie one end to ground, and with the other end touch each terminal while observing the voltmeter. If no voltage appears, the battery may be dead. The 100-Ohm resistor is low enough to engage a digital circuit and high enough to protect the battery against a possible electrical short. check [|here] for more info. As for your battery pinout, depends on which PB you have. For that the last 4 digits of your serial number might come in handy.
dzturbd, here is the pinout of the power adapter.
tip not connected
tip/ring negative
ring + 24V
shield connected to negative with a .5MΩ R
As for your battery pinout, depends on which PB you have. For that the last 4 digits of your serial number might come in handy.