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원본 게시물 작성자: Jim Hudson


Dropped iPhone in commode 2 days ago. Jerked it out super quick. Took out of holster. Sprayed with lysol and dried with paper towel. Took only one 20 second call on full charge yesterday. Housemate tried to call last night but only got voicemail. I looked at it before bed. It had -0- charge. I started reading about "toilet-baptism" of iPhones. I took it out of holster again and put on heating pad at medium for the night. AM full charge but no ringer band indicator; no keyboard sounds, however, I can receive and send and everything else seems to work. I tried the trimmed Q-Tip and Iso-Alcohol in the Headphone Jack and as deep as it would go into the Charging Jack. Now I got a working Headphone Indicator band when I push + or - buttons on the upper left sidein place of the Ringer band. I got out the canned air with the long straw on the nozzle and stuck it deep into the Headphone Jack and Charging Jack and blew the !@#$ out of both. I moved the straw all around the HP Jack. I tried the non-working functions and everything immediately worked. I'm going to put the phone back onto the heating pad for a few hours and again tonight and overnight. It can't hurt and dryness, after what I initially did two days ago, should only help. Keep trying everything. Good Luck.

