How can my calculator be fixed after water damage?
I have a Texas instrument 83 calculator that I bought in September, I have used it for only three month. Fortunaly around December, My water bottle got opened in my backpack and soaked my calculator. I try to dry the outside of my calculator and just let it dry inside for few days but after that I was not able to use it because it won’t turn on. I don’t if there is any damage water can cause inside the calculator. Is there anything that I can possibly do to have my calculator work again. Any place I can go. Please let me know ASAP. My email is
Thank you!!
How can my calculator be fixed after water damage?
I have a Texas instrument 83 calculator that I bought in September, I have used it for only three month. Fortunaly around December, My water bottle got opened in my backpack and soaked my calculator. I try to dry the outside of my calculator and just let it dry inside for few days but after that I was not able to use it because it won’t turn on. I don’t if there is any damage water can cause inside the calculator. Is there anything that I can possibly do to have my calculator work again. Any place I can go. Please let me know ASAP. My email is
Thank you!!