How can I fix a hardware issue of wifi connection?
Chromebook cant hold a signal stronger than 25% unless right next to a router, and even then it will not go higher than 50%
Only device afftected, always the same regardless of networks or routers.
Been told its likely a hardware issue but I cant find a way to actually fix it. Ive seen how to take apart the chromebook but have nevet seen any replacement parts for components that deal with wifi.
Added screenshots but theres already a few helpful answers
How can I fix a hardware issue of wifi connection?
Chromebook cant hold a signal stronger than 25% unless right next to a router, and even then it will not go higher than 50%
Only device afftected, always the same regardless of networks or routers.
Been told its likely a hardware issue but I cant find a way to actually fix it. Ive seen how to take apart the chromebook but have nevet seen any replacement parts for components that deal with wifi.
If you want a bit more info, I posted on google forums:
How can I fix a hardware issue of wifi connection?
Chromebook cant hold a signal stronger than 25% unless right next to a router, and even then it will not go higher than 50%
Only device afftected, always the same regardless of networks or routers.
Been told its likely a hardware issue but I cant find a way to actually fix it. Ive seen how to take apart the chromebook but have nevet seen any replacement parts for components that deal with wifi.
If you want a bit more info, I posted on google forums:
How can I fix a hardware issue of wifi connection?
Chromebook cant hold a signal stronger than 25% unless right next to a router, and even then it will not go higher than 50%
Only device afftected, always the same regardless of networks or routers.
Been told its likely a hardware issue but I cant find a way to actually fix it. Ive seen how to take apart the chromebook but have nevet seen any replacement parts for components that deal with wifi.
If you want a bit more info, I posted on google forums:!searchin/chromebook-central/How$20can$20I$20fix$20the$20internet$20connection$20issues$20on$20my$20Chromebook/chromebook-central/JSgtbX6oYWA