I just red your plight to upgrade from hp to pro.
Changing away from you uefi bios is not needed, don't know where you got this flavor to upgrade..
From with ion Windows click on the start button and open settings, choose update & security.
If you have the pro product key click change product key and go to next. You can install from thumb drive, dvd. If you do not have a product key then go to windows store and purchase the pro version which will down load you a ISO you can save then run or run after download. Once you have pro installed. Make a back up of your drive in case it blows up and you want to go back. Your UEFI bios contains your 10 home premium product key so you can revert back. There is a program to view the product code and save it before you upgrade, then after you can do this again and save your pro key as well.
Have fun