Personally, I think this is the best MacBook Pro ever made.
I try to stock this machine in both the 13" & 15" and have one for sale at all times.
When I went to visit iFixit earlier this month, the 13" 2012 is almost the the only machine I saw there, so they agree with me.
I also took a 13" 2012 with me for traveling.
I do however replace the hard drive with either a Seagate 1 TB or 500GB SSHD or a 500 GB SSD.
Also replace the hard drive I/R cable and put pads on either si9de of the cable as it climbs onto the optical drive to prevent the bottom cover from contacting it.
I would take it to the current 10.12.6.
I seldom take it above 8 GB of RAM.
If I do have RAM issues, generally those can be corrected by tightening or loosening the screws that hold the RAM bracket to the logic board. If this fails, try putting a lessor stick in the slot that's acting up.
Do not let this machine go as it is the last of the really repairable MBPs.
Apple produced this machine long after it usually does:
Introduction Date: June 11, 2012 Discontinued Date: October 27, 2016
Personally, I think this is the best MacBook Pro ever made.
I try to stock this machine in both the 13" & 15" and have one for sale at all times.
When I went to visit iFixit last month, the 13" 2012 is almost the the only machine I saw there, so they agree with me.
When I went to visit iFixit earlier this month, the 13" 2012 is almost the the only machine I saw there, so they agree with me.
I also took a 13" 2012 with me for traveling.
I do however replace the hard drive with either a Seagate 1 TB or 500GB SSHD or a 500 GB SSD.
I would take it to the current 10.12.6.
I seldom take it above 8 GB of RAM.
If I do have RAM issues, generally those can be corrected by tightening or loosening the screws that hold the RAM bracket to the logic board. If this fails, try putting a lessor stick in the slot that's acting up.
Do not let this machine go as it is the last of the really repairable MBPs.
Personally, I think this is the best MacBook Pro ever made.
I try to stock this machine in both the 13" & 15" and have one for sale at all times.
When I went to visit iFixit last month, the 13" 2012 is almost the the only machine I saw there, so they agree with me.
I do however replace the hard drive with either a Seagate 1 TB or 500GB SSHD or a 500 GB SSD.
I would take it to the current 10.12.6.
I seldom take it above 8 GB of RAM.
If I do have RAM issues, generally those can be corrected by tightening or loosening the screws that hold the RAM bracket to the logic board. If this fails, try putting a lessor stick in the slot thats acting up.
If I do have RAM issues, generally those can be corrected by tightening or loosening the screws that hold the RAM bracket to the logic board. If this fails, try putting a lessor stick in the slot that's acting up.
Do not let this machine go as it is the last of the really repairable MBPs.
Personally, I think this is the best MacBook Pro ever made.
I try to stock this machine in both the 13" & 15" and have one for sale at all times.
When I went to visit iFixit last month, the 13" 2012 is almost the the only machine I saw there, so they agree with me.
I do however replace the hard drive with either a Seagate 1 TB or 500GB SSHD or a 500 GB SSD.
I would take it to the current 10.12.6.
I seldom take it above 8 GB of RAM.
If I do have RAM issues, generally those can be corrected by tightening or loosening the screws that hold the RAM bracket to the logic board. If this fails, try putting a lessor stick in the slot thats acting up.
Do not let this machine go as it is the last of the repairable MBPs.
Do not let this machine go as it is the last of the really repairable MBPs.
Personally, I think this is the best MacBook Pro ever made.
I try to stock this machine in both the 13" & 15" and have one for sale at all times.
When I went to visit iFixit last month, the 13" 2012 is almost the the only machine I saw there, so they agree with me.
I do however replace the hard drive with either a Seagate 1 TB or 500GB SSHD or a 500 GB SSD.
I would take it to the current 10.12.6.
I seldom take it above 8 GB of RAM.
If I do have RAM issues, generally those can be corrected by tightening or loosening the screws that hold the RAM bracket to the logic board. If this fails, try putting a lessor stick in the slot thats acting up.
Do not let this machine go as it is the last of the repairable MBPs.