I stumbled upon this issue when attempting to troubleshoot my Iphone 7 Plus. I tried restarting, hard restart, using earpiece.. using speaker mode. None worked. My issue was intermittent where it can work for a short while, and stop working after a while. Using bluetooth headsets worked though.
I am in Singapore, and I googled this symptom with the additional word Singapore behind the search. I found this link: https://lykrepair.com/blog/entry/do-you-recently-face-iphone-7-iphone-7-plus-audio- [br]
I am in Singapore, and I googled this symptom with the additional word Singapore behind the search.
I contacted them and was quoted SGD 120 to get it fixed. When I arrived at the shop, the person who was before me just had his iphone 7 plus fixed, with the similar problem. It took about 40 minutes to fix. I intend to use my device for at least another year or 2, to justify the high price of the device. Most likely shying away from Apple in the future after this incident.
Hi Everyone,[br]
I stumbled upon this issue when attempting to troubleshoot my Iphone 7 Plus. I tried restarting, hard restart, using earpiece.. using speaker mode. None worked. My issue was intermittent where it can work for a short while, and stop working after a while. Using bluetooth headsets worked though.
I am in Singapore, and I googled this symptom with the additional word Singapore behind the search. I found this link: https://lykrepair.com/blog/entry/do-you-recently-face-iphone-7-iphone-7-plus-audio- [br]
I contacted them and was quoted SGD 120 to get it fixed. When I arrived at the shop, the person who was before me just had his iphone 7 plus fixed, with the similar problem. It took about 40 minutes to fix. I intend to use my device for at least another year or 2, to justify the high price of the device. Most likely shying away from Apple in the future after this incident.