Dualshock 2 (v2) not charging, most prob PCB problem.
Dualshock 4 (v2) not charging, most prob PCB problem.
As title states it. Problem that a lot of people have yet its different.
My controller is brand new (well it was not used but prob sitted in shop for a long time, bough it as damaged).
It does charge but only with EXT port, not usb. The light is working.
Known solutions, that did not work.
1) Its charging cable. - checked
2) Its charging PCB - swapped to working one, no resoult
3) Its chargign PCB ribbon cable - swapped, no resoult
4) Its connector on main PCB to charging PCB - well the light is working so doub it, but still can actually be it.
5) Battery is not working - well, it is, it charges and i also swapped it.
6) Try reseting ds4 - tried, no resoult.
Since it charges through EXT and not USB i assume the fault is on the usb - main pcb line and its probably not charging chip. How and what to check to confirm it?
Dualshock 2 (v2) not charging, most prob PCB problem.
As title states it. Problem that a lot of people have yet its different.
My controller is brand new (well it was not used but prob sitted in shop for a long time, bough it as damaged).
It does charge but only with EXT port, not usb. The light is working.
Known solutions, that did not work.
1) Its charging cable. - checked
2) Its charging PCB - swapped to working one, no resoult
3) Its chargign PCB ribbon cable - swapped, no resoult
4) Its connector on main PCB to charging PCB - well the light is working so doub it, but still can actually be it.
5) Battery is not working - well, it is, it charges and i also swapped it.
6) Try reseting ds4 - tried, no resoult.
Since it charges through EXT and not USB i assume the fault is on the usb - main pcb line and its probably not charging chip. How and what to check to confirm it?