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원본 게시물 작성자: prop man


Use the file manager software that comes with your computer to select/drag/drop your files to your computer.  Using that method will bypass the "import" photo software that most use to transfer their files.  Once on your computer just use your regular photo viewing software to see if they are valid files.  If that software, or other photo viewing software don't recognize the files as being valid then you have to track down the reason why your camera isn't producing valid jpeg's.  When using the file manager to transfer your files, pay close attention to the file size; one reason they may not be being recognized is due to the fact they are 0 bytes in size which would probably also indicated a problem with your camera.  Make sure you have a good USB cable.  You could also just pop the SD card out of the camera and use a Card Reader to transfer any files that way too.

