Since there are so many people having the same issue with the same model , it suggests to me that it boils down to the same part or maybe two or three parts that tend to go bad. I have the E500I-B1 model, too, and I noticed it became progressively harder and harder to turn on the TV. Eventually the white light on the bottom left would come on briefly and then go off again (sometimes it would fade away, sometimes it would just go off at once, and sometimes it wouldn’t come on at all). They sell a component replacement kit for $15 and one guy said in the Youtube comments section that he just replaced the diodes, transistors, and resistors and fixed the problem for him. As some have suggested, I tried replacing the batteries on the remote and it actually helped for a few days, but wouldn’t turn on anymore after that. I suspect that the reason this worked is that the power on command was received by the TV multiple times after changing the battery. When the TV no longer turned on after 30 or 40 attempts, I opened the back of the TV and used a multimeter to test all the diodes, transistors, and resistors. For the diodes and transistors, I simply verified that the terminals weren’t shorted and current flows one way, but not in the other direction. I suspect that there is something that’s beginning to fail, but it still works good enough to pass my simplistic testing. Some have mentioned that they replace the entire power supply board and it didn’t work, and since those boards are selling for $60 or more on Ebay, I’m not really keen on trying it, unless I can be at least 98% sure it will work. However, one of the commenters, fozablah, stated in January “Okay hear me out cuz i know its gonna sound stupid but it worked... press the power button repeatedly about 10-15 times”. It’s a silly suggestion coming from a silly-sounding username, but I tried it anyway. As as I pressed the power button on the lower left 2 or 3 times, I noticed that the power was staying on and I kept pressing it about 15-20 times. The power remained on after that. So at this point, the power is on, so if I leave the power on 24/7, I presume it will stay on. I have it plugged into a UPS, so if the power ever goes out, the TV stays on. I suspect that if I use the “press the power button 15 times” trick too many times, eventually whatever electrical components are going bad will deteriorate further, so I figure the better solution is just to keep the TV on. This is my solution for now. I’ll check back in a while to let everyone know how my solution is working out.