After Display Replacement Lines Apeear on the Display.
After a display replacement, I get horizontal lines on my phone’s new screen. The phone also has issues in dark conditions as the phone acts like it has 8 dimming zones. I was grounded during the display replacement ( Common Issue ). As the display is powered on the lines progressively turn from light grey to black. I don’t know what to do about this, so do y’all have an answer?
After Display Replacement Lines Apeear on the Display.
After a display replacement, I get horizontal lines on my phone’s new screen. The phone also has issues in dark conditions as the phone acts like it has 8 dimming zones. I was grounded during the display replacement ( Common Issue ). As the display is powered on the lines progressively turn from light grey to black. I don’t know what to do about this, so do y’all have an answer?