Ty Wilson this will require some good troubleshooting. You can of course replace the display. Use something like this guide [guide|122053] for that. Or you could attach an external monitor and see what else is going to go on with the Chromebook. See if it starts up etc. Let us know what you find out.
Ty Wilson this will require some good troubleshooting. You can of course replace the display. Start with the obvious and work your way through it. Use something like this guide [guide|122053] for that. Or you could attach an external monitor and see what else is going to go on with the Chromebook. See if it starts up etc. Let us know what you find out.
Ty Wilson this will require some good troubleshooting. You can of course replace the display. Use something like this guide [guide|122053] for that. Or you could attach an external monitor and see what else is going to go on with the Chromebook. See if it starts up etc. Let us know what you find out.