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현재 버전 작성자: Alisha C


-Had a look at the images you uploaded and here's what I got. If I'm reading the picture correctly, this is C8183 which is on an output of the Power Management Chip that takes VCC_MAIN and changes it into PP3V3_S2. This line goes on to the WiFi IC,the touch ICs and the NAND. Which is find of important. No NAND means no boot at the very least.[br]
+Had a look at the images you uploaded and here's what I got. If I'm reading the picture correctly, this is C8183 which is on an output of the Power Management Chip that takes VCC_MAIN and changes it into PP3V3_S2. This line goes on to the WiFi IC,the touch ICs and the NAND. Which is kind of important. No NAND means no boot at the very least.[br]
-So it sounds like this line is short top ground. Unfortunately, it goes quite a few places. As @dadibrokeit mentioned, there's probably a bad capacitor on this line and it will likely function just fine without it. It's not necessarily the one you highlighted. But it might be. There are a few ways you can use to find a short, but I would start but just looking. Sometimes you can tell. There are lots of other caps on that line, so isn't necessarily that one that's bad. (But maybe it is and I overlooked that).
+So it sounds like this line is short top ground. Unfortunately, it goes quite a few places. As @dadibrokeit mentioned, there's probably a bad capacitor on this line and it will likely function just fine without it. It's not necessarily the one you highlighted. But it might be. There are a few ways you can use to find a short, but I would start by just looking. Sometimes you can tell. There are lots of other caps on that line, so isn't necessarily that one that's bad. (But maybe it is and I overlooked that).[br]
+***UPDATE:*** In light of the additional info you provided. Here's some context of how the Power Management chip works because I think learning basic electronics is super important when you're troubleshooting boards. I was about to go off about buck converters and the like but I will save that for a more relevant answer.[br]
+The Power Management chip is basically just a hub where many various voltages needed by other board components are generated. That means there could be a dozens of various outputs. It's quite unlikely multiple outputs are bad or short, unless they travel close to each other within the chip, or under the chip. I almost never see bad Power Management chips alone. Especially in the absence of damage to the chip itself.
+I mention this because there are many lines that come out of the power management IC that are commonly mistaken as shorted to ground when they are just naturally low resistance. So they might beep in diode mode, or resistance mode if your meter does that.[br]
+You said there were many components that tested short around the PMIC, but it would help to know where exactly. Anything in that clump around the initial capacitor you mentioned is all the same line. If the line is short in one place it's short everywhere on that line.I still think a bad cap is your issue.[br]
+To find the actual short, you may need to inject voltage into that line directly (so you can generate the necessary energy), or try to provide power through the battery connector. (Won't boot without a battery connected, but it will get Apple logo).[br]



원본 게시물 작성자: Alisha C


Had a look at the images you uploaded and here's what I got. If I'm reading the picture correctly, this is C8183 which is on an output of the Power Management Chip that takes VCC_MAIN and changes it into PP3V3_S2. This line goes on to the WiFi IC,the touch ICs and the NAND. Which is find of important. No NAND means no boot at the very least.[br]
So it sounds like this line is short top ground. Unfortunately, it goes quite a few places. As @dadibrokeit mentioned, there's probably a bad capacitor on this line and it will likely function just fine without it. It's not necessarily the one you highlighted. But it might be. There are a few ways you can use to find a short, but I would start but just looking. Sometimes you can tell. There are lots of other caps on that line, so isn't necessarily that one that's bad. (But maybe it is and I overlooked that).

