Using the Mac as i normally fo rebooted it into bootcamp.
Display just showed faint glow and sat there.
Hard reset it. Exactly the same.
Reset nvram and pram.
Still the same.
Safe mode boot. The same
Network boot. Recovery. Diagnistic boots all the same.
Internal board led diagnostics.
Computer off
1 on
2 off
3 off
4 off
Power on
1 on
Followed by 2 on
Followed by 3 on
Followed by 4 on
All 4 on
3-4 seconds later 4 goes off.
Unplugged, cleaned and reseated display.
Still the same.
Checked main board with thermal camera. All OK. No hotspots.
Fan on idle.
Any answers or what to check.
Need to use my computer urgently.