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원본 게시물 작성자: Robert Warnock


Low cycle count, needs service


Hello all, I am new to the forums so thank you in advance for any help, and my apologies if I sound naive. My second-hand MacBook, has 129 charge cycles on it but it dies super fast and it requires service. It is the OEM battery but from what I am told it wasn't used much. Is there anything I can do aside from replacing the battery? Change charging habits? By that Charge between 50-80% let it die, charge fully, and keep it around that 50-80% mark and let it fully charge and die periodically? My thought is that I may "reactivate" the cells by doing that given its low usage. Any input is much appreciated and even experimental ideas are welcome as in the end, i expect to be doing a battery replacement. Thanks!


MacBook Pro 15" Touch Bar 2017

