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Why won't my 4s turn off?

Step one in replacing my iphone 4s's battery is to turn the phone off. It repeatedly reboots to "on" whether I use the on off button or the assistive device touch technique.

Other suggestions besides just letting the battery go dead?

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This is most often caused by short circuit of the charging port. Clean the charging port very well with toothbrush, Isopropyl Alcohol, lint free cloth, etc. If after thorough cleaning still reboots with OFF, then the next step would be replacement of the charging port with the attached flex cable.

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You could let the battery drain or just removed it with a anti static screw driver and spudger

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No problem it's now solved I tried it with my oralB toothbrush and as cleaner I used denim shaving cream it's now switched off. Real experience just now. Thank you much Mr OralB n denim with whole team. Zahid

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Wow! After calling Rogers and Apple several times today, I saw the suggestion here about cleaning the charging connection with a toothbrush! I felt like an idiot doing it, but darned if my phone finally turned off after a good brushing!

I have been trying for 24 hrs with no luck to turn it off, and the toothbrush did it! Just a dry soft bristle brush!

Beats paying for a replacement phone or being without it when I send it in for repairs!

Thanks for posting everyone! Your ideas do help

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