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5세대 iPhone. 수리는 간단하며 스크루드라이버, 비집는 도구 그리고 인내가 필요합니다. GSM/CDMA / 16, 32, 또는 64 GB / 검정색 또는 흰색.

2203 질문 전체 보기

Can't remember where to put these pieces... Please help

Hello all, I tried tearing down and reassembling my phone for the first time tonight. I left out some pieces but I don't know where they belong. If someone could draw some arrows perhaps, pointing to their location it would be greatly appreciated - thanks


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Thanks a lot for the info. I ended up taking it to a shop, but now my screen doesn't work. However, I believe they forgot to install the grounding finger (little gold piece) - could this prevent the screen from turning on?

I can't say to what degree the grounding finger plays a role but I would have to assume that it isn't an "extra" componant and that it is needed for the phone to function properly.

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선택된 답변

The cable cover goes here.

The grounding clip goes here.

The grounding finger goes here.

All of this information and much more can be found here.

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