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2203 질문 전체 보기

Home Button Doesn't Work After Changing Display

I changed a broken display on my daughters Iphone 4s.

After re-assembly the unit powers up and a boatload of her missed messages populated but the home button doesn't work.

All cables have been reconnected..but without the home button the phone is stuck in messaging.

The replacement display and digitizer came with a button but not the black rubber boot so I took the one from the old display assembly...

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If you cant fix the button try and reset the phone and go to settings>general>accesibility> and turn on assistive touch, then u at least would be able to use the phone until repair.

i have to use it due to broken power button but it has a home feature to :)

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Thanks very much for your suggestion....

I think the issue may be that the after market display assemblies power buton may not have the correct thickness as my daughter told me that it will work if she presses it very hard..

again thanks for the assisted touch suggestion.

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