2 New LCD's will not turn on after LCD replacement?
I am replacing an LCD on an iPad air but once the new LCD is hooked up the device will not power on. To check to see if maybe the port on the motherboard got burnt out, I hooked up the cracked LCD and was able to power it on and off. I then figured that the new LCD itself was bad. SO I returned that one and ordered a new one and the same issue persists. I tried holding the home button and power button as well. Any ideas?
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댓글 11개
I'm having the exact same problem. It will not power on after the lcd replacement. One thing I did notice is that it would power on with the old lcd and while it was turned on, I could put in the new lcd and it displayed just fine. Once I power it back off, it will not power back on unless I put the old broken lcd back in. Any other ideas anyone?
Chris Simmons 의
I am having the exact same problem...... there must be either an issue with certain lcds or apple has coded the original lcd to the motherboard.
i have done lcd replacements on ipad airs with no problem before but this ipad is only about a month old so am wondering if apple has maybe coded the newer ipad air lcds.
alyn jones 의
Same problem! I'm on the 3rd new LCD and won't pwr on, but when I place an LCD from another air it works fine! I try the new LCD's in both devices with no luck. I buy from a highly respected vendor that only carries top quality parts.
TechRx 의
any tried a full restore on the device?
alexphilip14 의
No. I just installed the lcd I bought that was taken off of a working iPad Air and it worked fine.
TechRx 의
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