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Nintendo DSi는 닌텐도 DS 라인의 세 번째 시리즈이며, 2008년 말 일본에서 첫 선을 보였습니다.

265 질문 전체 보기

Why won't my dsi start up

Please help I have a blue dsi when I turn it on it shows a white screen for about 4 seconds then it shows a black screen with a error it won't boot up or show the dsi logo when it boots up like it should it says "An Error has occurred.Press and hold the power button to turn the system off. Please see the Nintendo dsi operations Manual for help troubleshooting" I think the system might have corrupted if so Is there a mode I can get into to restore and fix this issue any and all help would be greatly appreciated

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Hey, did you ever find an answer to this? I bought my kids a used DSi. Supposedly it worked for the previous owners just fine days before but for us we get that error on start up. I already had the WiFi thing replaced and that did not fix it. Any other suggestions or did anything fix yours?

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hi have you tried a different charger . theyre know for being faulty if not try a battery... hope this resolves your problem

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I haven't replaced the battery or charger so I don't think that's the problem i have tried to take the battery out and turn it on but it didn't work

When my dsi goes to the error the wifi light turns yellow what does that mean

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try replacing the wi-fi board on the motherboard.

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