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Keyboard row doesn't work

Whats up guys, I JUST finished changing my battery on my macbook, and now my a s d f g h j k l keys don't work, all other keys work fine. I was wondering if I might have loosened the keyboard cable or something. I'm going to take it apart again and see if anything is loose. Which cable is the one for the keyboard? Thanks.

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I'm sorry that you're having trouble with your keyboard. Unfortunately, Apple (we all know the designers at Apple can do this if they are feeling dubious) has decided to embed the keyboard in the upper case in your model, and the keyboard cable and assembly is in the upper case. Depending on how many repairs you have done before, this could take anywhere an hour for experienced professionals to three hours for beginners. If you want to proceed, you can use this guide (MacBook Air 11" Mid 2011 Upper Case Replacement) to try again. You also may want to reseat the battery connector before trying. Hope this helps.

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Good news, I removed the battery and wiggled the ribbon connectors and reassembled everything and it worked. The keys are working now haha I guess I got lucky. Thanks for your help anyways

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