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495 질문 전체 보기

Why doesn't the Num Lock light turn on?

Corsair Vengeance K70 Mouse

My keyboard was doing fine until I noticed a while ago (a couple of days) that the Num Lock light that shows whether the Num Lock is on won't turn on. The Caps Lock and Scroll Lock lights turn on fine. This is a relatively new keyboard (< 1 year) so I don't know what the problem is. The Num Lock function still works.

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선택된 해법

The Number lock feature can be enabled in the BIOS settings. Depending on the model of PC you can press F2 when promoted during the initial boot up to take you to the Settings. Scroll through the options and enable it. Hope this helps you.

You can also attempt to move the keyboard to another USB port to see if this also resolves the issue.

해당 답변은 도움이 되었습니까?

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probaly a bad led

try replacing the led

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