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2014년 12월에 출시한, 여러 모델 번호로 알려진, 아시아 시장을 위한 Samsung의 Android 스마트폰.

118 질문 전체 보기

Can't open my google account which was previously synced on my device

I reset my phone but when i open it, it needs my google account and continuesly seek my synced account on my device. My phone was sent to samsung repair center and its more than a month now i still dont have my phone. bad service

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Are you able to login to your google account on the phone? More importantly, can you log in on a computer.

i cant log in in my phone so the repair center decided to send my phone to samsung center in manila . But i can log in in my PC using my google account

There are people (that don't work in samsung) that actually remove the Samsung / Google account activation lock on these phones. Usually takes them only a day to do (I myself have the tools for it too).

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i need a google account previously synced can i us someone please

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Felix Dexter Barrion 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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