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Why iPhone 4 doesn't vibrate?

Hello, everybody. I have my new iPhone 4, just a couple weeks in use. It doesn't vibrate when I switch silent mode on. There are no signs of vibration at all! I tried to restore it, but that doesn't help. Any ideas about how to fix vibration? Thanks.

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I tried all of the above in order to fix the vibrator on my iphone 4 and I was frustrated that none worked.

I ordered the vibrator from ifixit, which came in less than a week, I fixed it myself using the guide and it only took less than five minutes to do.

Now I have a working vibrator on my iPhone 4.

It was real easy to fix.

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If the following explanation does not solve the problem I would return it to Apple, otherwise you risk voiding your warranty. To turn off the ringer and use iPhone silent mode, all you need to do is flip a switch. On the top left-hand side of the iPhone is a small switch. It’s just above the volume control and below the phone's corner. This is the ringer control.

To turn off the ringer and use iPhone silent mode, simply flip this switch down towards the bottom of the phone. An onscreen icon showing a bell with a line through it will appear to confirm that the ringer is off. You will also be able to see an orange dot on the switch.

If you have the vibrate function turned on, turning off the ringer will cause the phone to vibrate when calls come in. If vibrate is turned off, the phone will simply stay silent if a call comes in

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It's a good idea to return it to Apple, but I don't have this opportunity :( This phone was bought in USA and I don't live in USA.

Here's where to reach Apple world wide: http://www.apple.com/support/contact/pho...

i hit it n it wrked bt fr a short while...is der any permanent solution friends?

it turns off vibrating evry hour.....

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Before you try the extreme measures listed such as taking the phone apart or going to an Apple store, please try the following.

I read it at a few sites and thought it was crazy... but, sure enough, it worked.

People said to knock on the back of the phone at the back bottom right of the phone (I guess that's where the vibrator is). Sure enough, I knocked it with my knuckle a few times and it now works. To test, I downloaded the Ibrate app and had it on (wasn't vibrating though iPhone was supposed to). After a couple of good thumps with my knuckle, the phone was suddenly vibrating.

Hard to believe? Absolutely. Worth a shot? Definitely.

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Thank you. It worked,My iPhone is now vibrating.

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I am new here and I have the Problem too. On a French forum I saw a strange thing but for several people it worked.

With the hand, give a tap on the backside of your iPhone 4. I'm Not sure if it works as mine is covered and I will bring it back...

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It is really weird. A €600 phone needs tricks to work out of the box!! Such expensive phone should have a higher quality don't you agree?

Well, it is true, giving some firm taps with your finger tips on the back of the phone will un-stuck the vibrator motor.

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It is me again. It worked! It's incredible. I hit with my hand against the backside of my iPhone and it vibrates now. I would have never believed it, that you have to hit a device valued over 600€... LOL.

In other words... You have to hit if you want something.


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In the USA we call that percussive repair!

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Hey, i have got easy steps to get it fixed.

1- Remove any protection (if u have used it) from your iphone.

2- download "ibrate" app from app store.

3- open ibrate app and after double tapping knock the iphone from

back on the top left side (just like knocking on the door)

4- believe me it will start vibrating :) and allow ur phone to vibrate for

At least two minutes as it will restart the jammed motors :)

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You should download a vibrating app like iBrate, and turn it on for a few minutes while tapping the top left corner. It should start whizzing in a few minutes. It worked for me, hope it helps!

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ive tried to tap it flick it and even drop ot from about six inches above carpet and nothing has happened?

Amazing - my phone hasn't vibrated for a couple of weeks - I just tried tapping the back corner (where the camera is) and it's started vibrating again. I used iBrate to test it as advised above, but i guess you could just get someone to call you or call yourself from another phone.

Serious design flaw in the iphone4 though? I never had this problem with the vibrate function of any other iphone or previous mobiles.

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You can remove the cover of the iphone, by removing the 2 small screws in the bottom and sliding the cover.

After you open it, in the upper right corner, you can find the "vibrator" :0

It's in a small socket, inconveniently located next to some kind of tape. Sometimes, like in my case, this piece of tape is not well pasted and it just won't let the vibrator spin.

So go figure, if you paste it properly you can always fix it ;)

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SO i brought my iPhone 4 to apple yesterday they i guess opened it up and told me that parts of the inside are not Apple and they could not do anything for me.

So the vibrate is now not working... i have tried the "iBrate" technique and tapping the back and nothing is working.

I dont know what to do!

Ok. I can't believe it either, but tapping it on the back actually worked. This has got to be the craziest thing I've ever heard of. But if it works, I'll be the last one to knock it.

I have tried iBrate to no avail and tapping the back... My only solution I see is to do what Brus Medina did.

Could you please explain to me what you did exactly since I am new to all of this.

Thank you....

this thing with a tape worked for me ! i have removed a small part of a tape which blocked the motor to vibrate.

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Actually, I have been using the "tap the back" technique for about a month to get my iP4 to vibrate at all. The dang thing seizes up again after some unknown amount of time and I'm back missing calls and texts.

If you understand how the vibration unit works, it's no surprise how the "tap the back" method helps. The unit consists of an unbalanced weight attached to a tiny motor. The motor spins the unbalanced weight and physics does the rest. Tapping the back, or the front for that matter, causes the weight to swing through some part of it's rotation. After it has been recently moved, it usually will work for a while.

If you don't recognize the "tap the back" method as being the original technical support, you are just too young. Older folks like me call it "percussive maintenance." I'll never forget being instructed to employ the technique by a Silicon Graphics engineer to get a $12,000 hard drive working in a $70,000 computer. It seems that the bearing in the middle of the platters had leaked lubricating oil which the rapidly spinning drive then spread into a thin layer across the whole disk. When the heads landed because the drive was powered down, the heads would stick to the oil and the drive motor wasn't strong enough to get the drive spinning again. Whacking the drive on it's side broke the heads loose for long enough to get the drive working again. It's nice to see that there isn't a new bottom line in technical support.

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I would suggest buying ibrate, keep it running for a while and tap your phone in each corner one after the other, everyones will work in a different way. If your lucky enough to get your phone vibrating again with this method leave the app running for about 5 minutes. I did this about a month ago and havent had a problem since :)

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howdy all

ive done a bit of poking around in my iPhone4 after having to replace the screen twice. My vibrate also stopped working as well. things i did notice when i addressed the problem. there is a ribbon cable adhered to the side of the 3.5mm jack which also is inside of the space the vibrator operates in. during a screen repair or due to moisture/skin oil being introduced into the phone the ribbon had come loose frome the side of the 3.5mm jack and was directly impeading the vibrators unbalanced shaft from spinning. a program like ivibe will force the vibrator to spin and create room for the unbalanced portion of the shaft by esentially rubbing a groove. if your technical you can open the phone up and visually observe if this is the case for you. additionally info. the vibrator recieves its signal/power from two copper preasure contacts on the bottom, these can be bent slightly and extremely carefully to create more preasure when the vibrator is seated. the two screws in the upper right corner are all that needs to be removed for replacement if the vibrator needs to be replaced.

Iphones are really a bunch of really small systems. theres nothing magical about them. anyone with access to youtube and a steady had can fix and replace any part contained inside. unless you have a warrenty, then you should let Apple fix it

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Hi I followed this procedure with my iphone 4s:

a) install ibrate

b) running ibrate in vibration mode and making tip tap with my fingers near the apple logo on the back of the iphone

c) It starts vibrate for a while ( but not so strong ).

It's not the solution... now i try with other ways..

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Is there any other way to get the vibrate working?

The ibrate only works for awhile :/

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Crazy. I knocked on the back of the phone with my knuckle 3 times and volla!

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It's either dirty and/or misaligned.

Take your back cover off and remove the 2 screws (1short, 1 long) at the top right holding the vibrate motor. clean it with compressed air (very lightly) and isopropyl alcohol on a q-tip, don't forget the contacts on the iphone too. Extend the contacts on the motor a little to ensure proper seating for power. When putting it back make sure it's aligned properly and it doesn't touch anything on the sides.

Those motors just don't die considering they are extremely low power motors.

Knocking the back of the phone to fix it means it's loose and not aligned until you knock it loose again.

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Hey guy I found a solution for you.

I had the same problem with my iPhone 4 and I tried right below solution, check it out.

First of all, I tried all the solutions for the iPhone written other websites but It didn't work properly. Weak vibration. I even changed the vibrator with new one, but it didn't work. I tried my old vibrator with the other iPhone of my wife, it works in there perfectly. I think something wrong with the connection area of the vibrator. Problem is the phone.

Then I decided to solve it by myself. I open back cover of iPhone and first removed battery then the vibrator. And check if there is anything stucking the vibrator head then try to remove the ringer button from inside, clean around, and put everything back like vibrator and the battery. Finally you good to go. Vibration working like new one.

All of this try worked for me. I hope it works for you too. Give it a try and feedback. Thanks, good luck.

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The tapping technique worked for only a few seconds, a minute at best until it stopped again. I bought a new vibrate motor and upon opening the phone I found a small piece of tape or ribbon cable next to the eccentric motor weight that had come unstuck and was in the way of the spinning weight, stopping its free rotation. I used a tiny flat head screwdriver to stick it back to the wall and the vibrate function works as good as new now. I just wonder how long before the sticky fails again and can the tape be removed completely?

Thanks for all the advice, I can now receive calls on set which is very good thing.


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The connectors for the vibrating motor are just the foldover metal contacts.

I've had two customers i 4's with problems with non or intermittent working vibrating motors. fix was to remove it and gently pry out the bent connectors.


To add to the above. it's an easy 5 minute repair. Only need to drop off the back, remove the battery and then the two screws in the top right hand corner holding in the motor. (Different on the 4S version)

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knocking on the back lightly a few times helps i just tried it

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I used the method above, taking the back off, taking the motor out, and just resticking the tape that had loosened over the last couple of years that is to the left of where the motor spins. IT WORKS! Better than it has in well over a year!

Super easy fix. I am not tech oriented when it comes to opening things up to try to fix them - but this was so easy, with the right tool anyone can do it. And I just used a philips head screwdriver from a precision set I bought at the dollar store. Total no brainer.

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Hey guys.. I am new here. I tried tapping my iphone after downloading ibrate but its not working.. Any better solution

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Tap it against something lightly by the vibrate button

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I was having an issue where my phone was not vibrating for incoming calls even though it was set to vibrate in silent mode. It was still vibrating for texts. I finally figured the solution that worked for me:

Settings > Notifications Center > Phone (Badges, Alerts) > Alert Sound > Vibration; make sure it is set to anything but 'NONE' to receive vibration. Same works for texts just follow the same steps as except select Messages instead of Phone so its:

Settings > Notifications Center > Messages > Alert Sound > Vibration set to anything but NONE

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WOW! That solved my problem! Thank you SO MUCH, John Vincent!

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john vincent is amazing!!! no knocking on phone!!!! just fix the notification center phone and message alerts!!! amen!!!!!!! thank you

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Hello to all ,

Possibly the micro vibrator motor was locked, nothing that a good pats to return to work.

Thanks, good luck

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Worked for me as well!! Give it a try!

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Guys, Please help me

I first downloaded ibrate, but as usual my vibrator didnt work but when i tapped it back it started working! Again when i stopped the vibrator and started again, it didnt start to vibrate, again if i tap it vibrates. i mean my phone's vibrator need to get tapped to start rotating! when it starts to vibrate it will work with no error, but only when i pause and restart the vibrator it does not start until i tap it! please guide me for further techniques!

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I do not know whether it would be appropriate to bring in a technical assistance, but try to see the following.

Check the circuit solder micro vibrator motor is not cracked, it causes poor contact. so when pats works and then returns to the default.

remaking this solder can be an arduous task and requires soldering iron low watage not to further damage.

Tools: Magnifying Glass, trilobular screwdrive, screwdrive # 000 and patience!

Good luck!

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None of these worked

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I have to say that by me downloading the IBrate app, it solved my problem!!! I hope it continues to work and not stop after a while.

Thanks for the post. It helped me so much!!!

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I am back on this forum to say that I did download the IBrate app and it did solve my problem like I had mentioned on my previous post. However, I noticed that after a few days, it stopped working. I deleted and downloaded the app again--but it didn't work this time around.

I can't understand why it worked only for a few days and now its not.

Go figure!! It must be the internal mechanism that is misaligned.

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i found the vibrator next to some kind of tape. Sometimes, like in my case, this piece of tape is not well pasted and it just won't let the vibrator spin.

so i get a small paper and place it between the vibrator and this unstable tape. and it works till now ..

so i will see

but try it , i think it will hepl

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hi !i also had the same problem of vibrator not working in my iPhone 4 and i just tapped the back side where the apple logo is (like tapping on a door ) and it started working all normal !! Thnak u iFixit and the contributors of the solution !

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Hi Fox,

I juste opened mine, removed the vibrator, mad sure the connection are connected and returned at its place; and Youpy, worked like a champ.


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