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Apple iPhone 5c는 2013년 9월 10일에 발표되었습니다. 수리는 이전 모델과 유사하며 스크류 드라이버 및 비집는 도구가 필요합니다. GSM 또는 CDMA / 8, 16, 32GB / 흰색, 분홍색, 노란색, 파란색 및 녹색으로 제공하였습니다.

1234 질문 전체 보기

Dropped with a broken screen, Won't turn on.

Hello I have a iphone 5c that was dropped and the iphone is not responding. Totally black even when I plug it in. At first I thought the screen was completely dead. But after further investigation I plugged it into the computer and it made the sound I have plugged it in. I preformed a hard restart and the computer made the sound of unplugging it and plugging it back in. Can someone give me some advice on what to do? You think i should buy a new screen and see if that's all it is?

Update (07/20/2016)

I have hooked it up to itunes and itunes recognizes the iphone is hooked up. I start restore and update and it gets to "waiting on iphone". The iphone screen then displays the apple symbol and a empty loading bar. which is normal for this step. then it just sits there for 30 mins and does nothing. Im going to let it sit a couple hours see if it's just being slow. but some how its stuck in recovery mode. I looked up how to get it out of recovery mode and it all includes the iphone being one and functioning. If I unplug it, it will return to being black screen and unresponsive. Any further advice guys? Im really running out of options short of replacing everything in the phone lol.

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You can try to update the system or check by the Professionals

The battery connector may be dislodged from what you are saying.

Ethan, I have reseated LCD and battery connector and still no response. I'm confident the Logic board was damaged in the drop. I'm just not willing to pay 100 dollars for the replacement.

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선택된 해법

Hello Benjamin Haines,

In my experience, I'd say it is a display issue. It sounds like LCD/Digitizer is defective from the fall, but there is always a chance of something coming loose.

If you have not already, try and open up the phone and remove the screen assembly. Then take a q-tip and some rubbing alcohol to clean the ribbon connectors. Allow time to dry. After reseating the cables, try and turn it on. If this does not work, you should try replacing the the display assembly.

*Know that sometimes the logic board can become damaged from drops depending on how severe.

I hope this helps you in fixing the iPhone.

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Unfortunately, it sounds if the Logic Board is damaged. I've worked on similar cases where the only fix is to replace Logic Board or purchase a new phone. iFixit offers both the part and guide to complete the Logic Board replacement.

[연계 제품이 누락 또는 비활성화 됨: IF126-023-8]

iPhone 5c Logic Board Replacement

Best of luck!

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PC and iTunes do not see your phone?

the phone has been in contact with water?

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댓글 4개:

I was told it was just dropped. I looked at the indicator in the sim slot and it is white, not red. They said they originally changed the battery to try to fix it. I'm wondering if they got a bad battery. But the problem already existed before and after they got a new battery in it.

often repetitive sound that happens when the display is defective or has a bug. when unmounting them happens to me but it also happens that after a while begins to operate. I suggest you remove the battery and the display, then again insert the connectors. even if by that signal then buy the new display, and solve the problem

I put on a new display and same thing. im starting to think its the battery?

It happened to me 2 times while I replaced the iPhone to display 5 that connecting and disconnecting the display several times to see if it worked when the phone was turned on, the display does not work anymore and I phone emitted the bep sound when connected to the charger. thinking it was broken the display I bought a new one and it worked fine when connected. then I tried to reconnect the display that I believed dead and instead working properly. to this day I can not explain what could be the problem that arises in this situation, maybe the new display has deleted some errors with respect to the display of the phone, but I could not tell you why it is presented

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Hey Benjamin Haines,

The sound of your computer let you know that the usb adapter is removed, this has nothing do to with your iPhone. Or you can mean the sound of your iPhone, also that has nothing to do with the display.I think you need to replace the screen, if you dropped it hard, your lcd can be broken.

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Okay, I just plugged it into itunes and it says its in recovery mode. It says "waiting for iphone". The iphone screen finally showed something but it appears the loading bar is not moving at all. This is giving me a headache.

Disconnect, do a hard reset and try again. It must work if it's not that bad broken.

Didn't work I believe it's a bad logic board. thanks, for the advice tho.

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Hi friend,I think it is the problem of lcd display.

Maybe the screen is damaged after it dropped,so I suggest you go to repair shop to test it.

After that,you will know what to do next.I think you have to replace the screen.

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Thanks, but I had another iphone 5c laying around and tried a good screen on it. still not responding. I am narrowed it down to a damaged logic board I believe. thanks for the advice tho.

You are welcome,my friend :)

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