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모델 A1369, 1.6, 1.7, or 1.8 GHz 프로세서, 64, 128 또는 256GB 플래시 저장공간

328 질문 전체 보기

keyboard qwerty line don't working well

hi everyone my problem its that all the keys from the (Q to the P) sometimes stop working, i have to press these keys several times for them to work (sometimes this doesn't work) or change the angle of the Mac. If I move the mac much they stop working again it's impossible to write i depend of the dictate(all the other keys work perfectly). please help!!!!!!!!!!

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What as spilled on it?

have you had any contacts with water or steam?

have you cleaned it with any house hold cleaning products ? when cleaning a laptop i always use alcohol based wipes. if you have to ... baby wipes are good too ...

I buy it second hand so i don't know if something spill on it before but i only cleaned it with dry wipes

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가장 유용한 답변

I do not find a keyboard replacement for this model. It will probably need an upper case replacement. I'd take it back, sounds like you got cheated.

MacBook Air 13" Mid 2011 Upper Case Replacement

MacBook Air 13" (Mid 2011) Upper Case with Keyboard

MacBook Air 13" (Mid 2011) Upper Case with Keyboard 이미지


MacBook Air 13" (Mid 2011) Upper Case with Keyboard


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i have changed the keyboards on this model many times ... they are quite easy to change if you don't count the 80 some odd screws that keep the keyboard in

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Your MacBook needs a new Topcase with new keys. An Apple Service Provider can help you with that. Probably the previous owner droped some liquid on the keyboard or travelled somewhere with high humanity e.g. Thailand, Singapore...

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What are you a shill for Apple? Why do you think the repair guides were created? Did you add anything to the answer I already gave? Why post this inane answer at all?

brainless comment! Of course there is also the option to bring the Mac to an ASP. You can use the guides to evaluate if you are able to repair. If you are not, then you should not try and destroy more.

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