My camera won't shoot

Battery and memory card covers are in tact. Battery is charged. Switched out memory cards. Camera turns on, menu displays, but when I push the shutter, I get a "busy" error message.

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Have you tried different shoot modes, especially with/without the flash engaged? Maybe worth trying a different/no lens, different ISO and so on. I once had a similar, though very short lived, issue where the camera (70D) had problems with the sensor cleaning.

It turns out that it works fine if you manually focus, but if you auto focus she shutter won't work.

Is the autofocus working at all then? If you have another lens around it would definitely be worth trying it so that you can narrow it down to a problem with the lens (in case it is lens specific). Then you would need see if it is worth fixing it or to invest in a nice lens :P

I agree with Tisapph.

Try another lens. If you don't have another, the easiest way is to take it to a "best buy" type of store and try out a demo lens. I've done it a few times. Just take in the body and say you wanted check lenses for compatibility.

I also agree with Tisapph. Today a glass door I was passing through accidentally hit my camera. In reality it had hit my 35 mm lens. By switching to my other auto-focus lens it seems to be working fine. Now I just have to replace that first lens.

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