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This affordable large-screen Android phone sports a 5.7-inch display and large 3,400 mAh battery.

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My phone has no pulse...won't charge on adapter, computer, etc. Help

I am just trying to save my videos, pics, and contacts before buying a new phone. Does anyone know if that's possible somehow internally? This model doesn't have a removable battery (not suggested to remove it). I just want to save the thousands of pics and videos I have before dumping it. I've tried pushing aggressively, shot canned air in it, etc...nothing.

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I am trying to save all the videos and pics before switching the number. Do you know if the port can be fixed without losing everything? They can't give me a definite answer over the phone at Metro..

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Hi There,

You might have damaged the charging port. Try changing the charging port or repair. "I am assuming computer also doesn't recognize".

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