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I dropped my iPod in the tub I dried it and won't turn on

Ok I dropped my iPod touch 5th generation in the tub, it was in for five seconds, I dried it, I've been letting it sit and dry for two days, it heats up when it's on the charger, I saw condensation on the selfie camera but it dissapeared, is there any hope? I'm not telling my mom till till I find a good excuse, I'm not likely to take it to a shop, what can I do?, other than rice(doesn't work)

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are you comfortable with taking it apart?

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This should be enough to get you started and then I would say use some rubbing alcohol and a tooth brush and remove the shields off of the motherboard if possible and clean every available place on the board and once you put it all back together in theory it should work I've fixed a lot of water damaged devices and rubbing alcohol and a tooth brush usually always brings it back

P.S you should never plug in or try to turn on a water damaged device you could cause a short circuit and render your device useless forever

Idk if I have the tool, I'm 14

I'm probably screwed because before I came here to ask, I charged it a bunch and played with le buttons, it has happened before and I have done the same thing, it worked after that , I hope it works now

As long as you have rubbing alcohol and a tooth brush the rest should be pretty easy. As a person who has been in the same situation before and not wanting my mom to know, I would wait until she's not home or has gone somewhere and use her blow dryer if she has one and heat up the edges and find something flat that you would be able to pic up the edge with when the adhesive warm, personally I would use a guitar pick or something like a credit card or student ID or something like that then if you get the display popped up in a corner just keep going around the sides and bottom until it's loose but don't,go on top there is cables for the LCD And Digitizer which is your display and touch screen and of,you top them there will be a whole lot more wrong. Then,once you have the screen pulled up just follow the,video in my previous answer to take the rest apart then we can go from there

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