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Club Car Golf Cart/클럽카 골프카트 브랜드의 이름을 따서 골프카 또는 클럽카라고 불리는 가스-구동 및 전기 골프 카트 지원.

495 질문 전체 보기

Adjusting the wheel alignment of my Golf kart (Toe & Camber)

I have an EZ GO TXT electric Cart.

The passenger front tire is wearing from the inside 3/4 of the way out.The tire is not sitting straight how do I adjust this so the tire wears evenly.

I bought new tires and do not want to put them on till I fix this.

Thank You,

Dave Mirabella Sr.

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Hey @dsm inlewes!

To adjust your golf cart's alignment, the best wheel and tire alignment guide is here:

Golf Cart Wheel and Tire Alignment Reference

I also purchased many sets of golf cart tires from this company in the past and they are very wonderful to work with.


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My passander side tie is ate out wearing tire were new last year now i got the one tire ate out pulls going down the road how do o fix this

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