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2세대 iPhone. Model A1241 / 8 또는 16GB 용량 / 검정 또는 흰색 플라스틱 뒷면. 첫 번째 iPhone보다 수리는 더 간단하며 스크루드라이버, 비집는 도구 그리고 흡입 도구가 필요합니다.

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Phone shows apple logo but won't turn on after new battery replacement

I bought a new battery from ifixit a month ago because my old battery wasn't holding a charge very long. I didn't have time to change it until this week and when I switched the batteries my phone won't turn on. While the phone is plugged in I get the apple logo for a few seconds and then it turns off. I have left it charging for hours and still nothing happens. I also switched the batteries back and my phone works fine with the old battery but still doesn't hold a charge for very long. I have double checked all the hook-ups etc and I did order a 3G battery replacement for my 3G iPhone, is the new battery I have just bad or could it be something else?

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i'd return it to ifixit, there are lots of problems with replacement batteries on here at present...

Thanks for commenting I did return it and now I have another one that doesn't work :( This is ridiculous!

take a look at some of the questions about battery and error message.. apparently it's a batch of bad batteries.. contact ifixit support and give them the battery number, I thought they'd sorted out which battery numbers were giving the errors

I also have this problem. I tried putting the old battery back in and still just got the apple. The phone did not boot. I think it must be something else other than the battery, but I have no idea what. Anyone able to fix this?

Sandy, your success of getting somebody to help you will exponentially increase if you ask your own question and not post your question as an answer. Most people that can help you will not look back at their answers. Good Luck.

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try updating in itunes.. if you get an error message, click on details and it should give you an error no. get back to us with which one it is.

Sandy.. hold home button and then plug in to itunes and update/restore

if that doesn't work try iReb, recboot or try downloading tinyumbrella - it can save your apple updates, and boot out of recovery loop/put in DFU

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I had the same problem. Luckily I ordered batteries for both mine and my wife's phone. The first try didn't work so I tried the other battery and it worked fine. When I was pulling out the battery from the first try I noticed the "tape" part that goes from the battery to the connector was torn. That was the problem!

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I've had the same problem today. If you replaced the battery yourself then patiently remove the screen again and check that ALL the plugs are FULLY inserted. I would've saved myself about an hour of googling if I had done just this.

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