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Microsoft's third-generation Xbox game console, released November 22, 2013.

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Why won't the hdmi inside of my xbox work

The hdmi output inside of my xbox one isn't working what should I do.

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Try using another cable. Sometimes the cable can be at fault.

Make sure your TV or monitor is set to have HDMI as the input source. If your TV is set to "av" as a source the Xbox output will never show on the TV.

Does the port feel loose? When you insert the HDMI cable into the port on the Xbox, does it wobble a bit? If the port feels loose or wobbly, there is a good chance you will need to have it resoldered to the motherboard.

Good luck!

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If your cable is working well. It is on your settings bro. If you are not sure about settings you can watch some reviews how to set it.

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I know how t set it up it is the HDMI that's inside f my Xbox that doesn't work

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