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Guides for the Wi-Fi version of the iPad Mini 3 (A1599). Announced on October 16, 2014, the iPad Mini 3 is the successor to the iPad Mini Retina (now known as the iPad mini 2).

61 질문 전체 보기

There's dust under my IPad mini's screen

So there's a dent on the side of my ipad and there's dust coming in from it. Is there any way I can get the dust out? If not how much does fixing the dent and getting the dust out from under the screen cost? Edit: here's the dent

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Could you post a picture of the dent? I want to see how bad it is and if it will still cause problems after removing the dust. 기존 질문에 이미지 추가하기

To remove the dust you should remove the front panel iPad Mini 3 Wi-Fi Front Panel Replacement (you only need to go up to step 29, as you are not replacing it) and then clean the display with a microfiber cloth.

Microfiber Cleaning Cloths)

Update (02/06/2018)

bad dent there. the [연계 제품이 누락 또는 비활성화 됨: IF145-280-6] should fix it!

Microfiber Cleaning Cloths 이미지


Microfiber Cleaning Cloths


iFixit 이미지


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아주 쉬움

2 - 5 minutes

iPad Mini 3 Wi-Fi Front Panel 이미지


iPad Mini 3 Wi-Fi Front Panel Replacement



45 minutes - 3 hours

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