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Clothing iron/다리미는 flatiron/플랫아이언 또는 iron/아이언이라고도 불리며 보통 가열된 삼각형 표면으로 천의 주름을 잡습니다.

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How to disassemble B&D travel iron with model TI250?

How to disassemble B&D travel iron with model TI250 ?

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I've done a bit of a search for you, and all I can say at this point until someone more knowledgeable chimes in is. You will have to start from the top down. You will need to try and find the screws that hold it all together, and this will be trial and error for you. Look for plugs or stickers that may conceal screw holes, or tabs that can with gentle prying be unclipped.

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Thanks, I will keep trying tell i find something. It has only two visible screws at the back side.

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