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Unibody가 아닌 Core Duo & Core 2 Duo 프로세서

376 질문 전체 보기

Trusty old MacBook won't turn on

Old faithful 17" MacBook is not turning on / powering up whatsoever. No whirring, no chime, no lights. The battery had drained completely but is now charged. I thought maybe it just needed several hours on charge because it's not been used for several months, but it is still not powering on with a full battery (green MagSafe light).

Have already tried:

- SMC reset, with and without the charger plugged in. Power button still unresponsive.

- Unplugging the battery from the motherboard for a few minutes and plugging it back in. No difference.

- PRAM reset. No response.

It had no issues last time it was used (albeit some time ago). It's been on a shelf since then.

Has it died randomly of old age? Is it salvageable?

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Give this a try: Disconnect the battery from the logic board, disconnect the mag-safe. Press and hold the power button for 10 seconds. Reconnect the battery and engage the mag=safe. You should get a spontaneous reboot.

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Thank you, was definitely worth a shot but sadly hasn't worked this time.

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