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Repair guides for Android cell phones manufactured by ZTE.

1283 질문 전체 보기

What does media server died mean when you use camera app and won't wor

How can I fix my camera app says media server died or serious camera error plus the front side of my phone won't show up you can tell its turned but not see face just black screen and then after you rotate it to the front camera the media message

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Did you ever get the problem fixed?

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Hi Evie,

Did this problem occur all of a sudden or did you do any software update? it could be that it is a bug in the software.

Things you can try:

-Check if there is a software update

- Use a 3rd party camera app for the meantime

-Reset cache memory from the camera app

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What is the reason for tenor D2 phone camera is not responding media server is died please solve the problem

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Evie McCracken 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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