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Western Digital My Passport Drive. USB 3.0 Portable External Hard Drive.

73 질문 전체 보기

I can't unlock my WD Drive

When I open my WD Drive Unlock application, it gives me an error. “Unknown Security State: ff”. How do I fix it? It has all my backup in it and I don’t want to lose them.

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Woww actully i got the same problem, today ! Really strange situation !!!

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Woww ufffffffa finally work gain, but only on pc !!! good luck !!!

Thanks Jonas, my thought actually was to try it on a pc so I am waiting to find a pc to try it.

Hi everyone I have the fix for this issue a lot of Mac users is experiencing with “Unknown Security State: ff” when ur mac cant detect the drive.

if you have a password use windows and unlock it and remove password completely

Mac should be able to see it after this is done if not you will have to refromat the mac drive and then only will the mac see the drive again

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Gia Khanh 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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