Why won't my 2DSXL turn on after new motherboard replacement?

So I bought a 2DSXL from the UK, and another from the US so I can install the US motherboard into the UK shell. I decided to do this because I wanted the specific UK shell design with the function of being able to use US game cards in it. (I was told it was possible to do as long as the motherboards were switched)

I had taken the US battery and board and put it into the UK shell successfully, making sure to have fastened each cable securely. (I did the same thing with the other console; UK battery and board in US shell)

After everything was put together, I tried to turn on each of the consoles and they BOTH had the same result: The blue light would turn on for a second and then the system would shut off with an audible pop sound, as if something was wrong with the batteries or the cables.

In the end, I returned each piece to it’s original device and both consoles worked perfectly, so it’s not like there was something wrong with the batteries or cables.

I have tried doing this before and it worked, but only on the system I wasn’t going to use. I’m starting to wonder if it’s even possible.

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