Android screen is black and won't turn off

this is very bizarre. I was reading stuff online on my phone, and then I turned the screen off like I usually would when done using it. after a bit, I go to turn the screen back on, and it doesn’t turn on at all. however, if I press the screen, the buttons still work, as my phone vibrates when I touch a button. I tried turning it off the normal way, didn’t work. I tried holding the volume down and power button, didn’t work. I tried holding the volume down and power button while plugged into the charger, didn’t work.

I've tried to google this specific issue, but for the black screen, it tells me to put it in recovery mode, but that does nothing. when I search that it won’t turn off, I only get results for “phone won’t turn ON.” my phone is decently old and very slow, and I know I need to get a new one, so is this just it crapping out on me, or is there something I can do to get it to work like before?

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