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MacBook has white screen and can't boot into install disk.

Hello, I have a old 2007 MacBook Pro 17 A1229 and it has a issue where when you turn it on it just displays a white screen. I have tried to reset the SMC and boot into the install disc but when attempted it does not show any results. The MacBook just continues to display the white screen without it restarting or showing any response. I hope someone could help, thanks.

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That Macbook Pro series was quite plagued with GPU issues and that may be the issue you’re facing. That said it wouldn’t harm checking the hard drive and trying replacing that with a known good one, or or if you have one you can try if it boots from a Usb stick with Os or Os installer in it.

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White screens are generally hard drive or hard drive cable issues. Black screens, booting process stopped at about 65% on the loading bar, screen artifacts indicate GPU issues.

@mayer I have to say honestly I don't have such an experience on the Aluminium series boards. Thanks for pointing that out !

This model did have the nVidia 8600 bad GPU also:


@mayer I have around 3/4 of those boards, a couple with bad GPU. I just keep them in case of parts may be needed one day, but it seems nobody really wants to spend money on these machines anymore. Will have to find someone worth donating them sooner or later.

@arbaman I have a stack of about 20 of them. It's a shame Apple screwed all these people. After all it was nVidia who was paying the bill, but Apple did nothing to notify their customers.

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