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Surface Pro 태블릿의 4세대 버전입니다. 2015년 10월 26일에 출시되었습니다.

210 질문 전체 보기

The touchscreen function won't work after screen replacement

My cats dropped my SP4, causing the LCD Screen to crack. So I had it replaced with an SP5 LCD Screen. Now the touchscreen function doesn’t work. I’ve tried downloading drivers, as instructed by Microsoft but to no avail. Help please

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You need to perform a two-button shutdown to shut it down completely to see if this can clear these issues and restore your touch screen.

1) Press and hold the power button of your device for some 30 seconds and then release it.

2) Press the volume up (+) button and the power button together and hold them for around 15 seconds. (Do NOT release them when you see the logo pops up.)

3) Leave your Surface Pro 4 for over 10 seconds.

4) Start your device. Then try your touch screen and see if it can work.

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Sorry. It didn't work.

Sorry to hear that it did not work. Then it might be your hardware problem.

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