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The Xbox One X (Model 1787) is Microsoft's high-powered game console, succeeding the Xbox One S. The Xbox One X was released on November 7th, 2017.

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Doesn't turn on after unplugging and replugging

I unplugged the Xbox when it was on standby mode, with the cable on at the wall to quickly use for something else. Then I plugged the Xbox back in with the cable still on at the wall and it made a sparking sound, and a few seconds later the internal power supply started to make buzzing sounds. When pressing the Xbox button, it lights up for about 5 seconds then turns back off again.

I’m guessing I’ve fried the power supply. My question is would replacing the internal power supply solve the issue?

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A new power supply did end up working for me. I didn’t see any visible damage to anything in the power supply but I’m assuming I did something with that surge.

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