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{A1706 / EMC3214}—2018년 7월 출시, 이 MacBook Pro 13”는 쿼드-코어 i5 및 i7 프로세서 그리고 Intel Iris Plus 통합 그래픽 포함.

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Swapped out logic board still won't work


I have a 2018 MacBook Pro Touch Bar I swapped out the logic board because the other one crapped out the new one in this case is turning one its giving 20v but yet the case of the MacBook won't turn on. All I get is a black screen and no fans won't charge. But I do know the keyboard works because I’m able to put it in to DFU mode what would cause this?

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Did you also swap out the TouchID button which should have come with the logic board, if not give that a try, if you didn’t get the button which is married to that given logic board then you’ll need to get your money back as this will be a useless logic board without it.

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I have replaced the Touch ID button the one that came on the MacBook book broke is that why it will not turn on? I also read that the Touch ID wouldn’t work but only work as a power bitten witch I’m good with

The logic board is married to the power button (TouchID) you can't substitute! Both need to be replaced at the same time with its mate.

I've been stung a few times getting a so called married set only to discover there was a mix up! Getting the wrong button for the given logic board. So its important to get your parts from a reliable source.

If I bring it in to the apple store would they be able to pair the new button to the used logic board?

@labelle69 - Not really ;-{ All they will do is replace your logic board with a new one $$$

Then what’s the point in them selling replacement Touch ID buttons I don’t get it but thank you for your time Dan I appreciate it

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