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2014년 9월 19일에 출시된 이 4.7” 스크린 iPhone은 iPhone 6 Plus의 작은 버전입니다. 모델 번호 A1549, A1586 및 A1589로 식별됩니다.

4995 질문 전체 보기

My mom's iPhone 6 has been dropped into the toilet. Help me fix it!

My mom has had this old iPhone 6 that was just sitting inside of a cabinet, not being used or fixed, since it's been water damaged many years back. It was dropped accidentally into the toilet and it was in the toilet for a few minutes, which was a bad mistake my mom had made. I need you guys to help me find out what's wrong with the phone since after I attempted to clean the logic board with 70% alcohol and a toothbrush, it still refuses to even turn on. No signs of life, just a lifeless black screen. Tried to restart, nothing. Tried to force restart, nothing. Tried charging it, no charging indicator on the screen. Nothing seems to be making the phone spring to life. So I need you guys to give me suggestions on how I can get this phone working again, so my mom can recover her old photo and video data and transfer it to her iPhone 13 Pro.

Since I just started my hobby of repairing electronics, and my first task is water damage, I don't know much about what I could do in these situations, nor do I have that much advanced equipment.

I'm just starting off with some screwdrivers, plastic picks, a suction cup, 70% isopropyl alcohol, and tweezers.

A photo of the phone's internal components is listed below:

Interior of the water damaged iPhone 6

Block Image

Put your suggestions in the answers or comment section.

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Water immersion consequences along with how long a phone was immersed then disassembled to remove as much water as possible may or may not restore electronics since there are unseen areas where the smallest droplet may still short circuit unseen connections. No matter what's been said of using alcohol and other things to remove moisture, there are zero guarantees of success. Perhaps another way to address water immersion might be related to ac systems (vehicle, refrigerators, central hvac, freezers, etc); factory assembled then evacuated of air and moisture for a near perfect vacuum before introduction of refrigerant. A vacuum forces water or moisture to boil, evaporate faster at room temperature. If a partially disassembled phone were placed into a vacuum chamber with a vacuum lowering pressure, moisture can boil/evaporate readily without using alcohol to remove as much moisture clinging to hidden areas. Another way to accelerate moisture evaporation would be heat as in leaving a disassembled phone in the sun or low heated oven for an hour or more. Heat forces moisture evaporation. Moisture removal is only one issue. The other issue may be power.

The rechargeable battery may be damaged by water shorting its connections without creating a fire hazard. One way to check on battery power is removing it to measure its voltage. All lithium battery packs are labeled with voltage specs. Most have several pins and require careful probing with a multimeter, sometimes using a paper clip as probes to measure voltage. If a battery doesn't have voltage, either it died from damage or may take longer to recharge, an hour or more. Charging may require periodic voltage measurements to see if a dead battery comes back to life before the phone can start up. Does the charger output voltage? And can it be measured at the battery connections to ensure charging voltage is reaching the battery?

Power and electronics are two separate issues that have to be considered in phone restoration.

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Thank you. I'll consider giving it a try, but I'm going to have to buy a multimeter first. Hope it works! If the battery is indeed non-functional, I'll remove it and replace it with a new battery.

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William F. 님은 대단히 고마워 할 것입니다.
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