Laptop won't start, something possibly blown on it

Hey guys,

I have an Illegear Raven SE-R (Tongfang GK5CP0Z) and the laptop doesn't start anymore, the power light comes on for like a split second then goes off.

The thing is that the laptop still charges the battery just fine (battery light turns red when power is plugged in and yellow when the battery is fully charged), but the laptop won't start.

I have tried replacing the CPU, thinking that maybe I have a blown CPU, but the issue still persisted so... Yeah, turns out the issue is elsewhere.

I'm proficient at microsoldering, but I'm just not used to repairing laptops, and I'm wondering if some of you guys here could help me out.

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if you have a multimeter check the 19v rail for a short, if its not short start checking random capacitors for shorts

@tech_ni if there's a short on the 19v rail, would the battery of the laptop not charge? genuine question.

I do have a multimeter, so I'll look into that.

@hamsteyr could still be short somewhere if the light goes out, maybe a gpu or cpu issue

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