'The pre-ground coffee funnel is clogged.' error while its not clogged

Dear fellow fixers,

I recently acquired a secondhand DeLonghi Autentica ETAM29.510.B coffee machine. Despite cleaning the entire machine and doing a decalcification and reset, I keep receiving an error message indicating that the coffee beans have run out or that the pre-ground coffee funnel is clogged. Strangely, this occurs even when the tray is full, leading me to believe that the issue lies with the pre-ground coffee funnel. Although I attempted to clean the funnel thoroughly, I had no success. I contacted DeLonghi for assistance, and they directed me to an official repair shop that only opens on Tuesdays. However, I'm concerned that the repair will be more expensive than the machine itself.

Does anyone have any suggestions for resolving this issue? Perhaps cleaning the sensor inside the machine or turning it off entirely, as I don't plan on using the pre-ground coffee function. I would greatly appreciate any advice you can offer.

Below some short version for my german friends.

Gebrauchte DeLonghi Autentica Kaffeemaschine zeigt immer wieder Fehlermeldung über Kaffeebohnen ausgehen oder vorgemahlenen Kaffee Trichter verstopft ist, trotz Behälter voll ist. Ich habe versucht, den Trichter zu reinigen und einen Werksreset durchzuführen. Ich suche nach Ratschlägen zur Behebung des Problems, einschließlich Reinigung des Sensors oder Ausschalten der Maschine.

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