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710 질문 전체 보기

Why aren't I getting video in docked mode?

I'm trying to fix a Switch that doesn't get video while docked. When I plug it into the dock, I can see the charging symbol appear on the screen, and the dock's green LED turns on, so I know it's getting power. I can also tell that the system is properly on, because I'm able to navigate the menus while it's docked, I just don't get any audio or video while doing it.
I've tested it with another dock and power cable, so I know those aren't the issue. I opened up the console and started checking for shorts, but I haven't found any shorted capacitors yet.

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Have you tried a different HDMI cable?

I believe I've found the issue. After testing numerous components on the board, it looks like the power management IC (M92T36) has a fault.

@hiygamer42 Good job managing to isolate the problem. Assuming it's thee chip itself and nothing surrounding, it hopefully you'll manage to get your console working normally with a replacement or reflow.

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Hi Jane,

I've done a lot of work (and authored a few guides) on the Switch itself, but I'm afraid I never got into the dock. But your problem reminded me of another person who had the same issue. He got it working partially but I never heard if he found a proper fix for it.

Anyway, it might be worth your while to read over his question and see if anything helps you with yours.

SOLVED: Nintendo switch is charging, but not outputting to a TV. - Nintendo Switch - iFixit

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Sorry for the delayed response. It's been a busy month. If I'm reading that post correctly, their issue was with the dock. I tested with a separate dock that I know works, so I can confirm the issue is with the switch itself. I'm still trying to nail down what's faulty on the motherboard. I can't see any damage to the port. I've been looking online, but haven't had much luck figuring out what it could be.

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