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A television game console produced by Sony Computer Entertainment, also known as PS4. First announced February 20, 2013 and released November 15, 2013.

1703 질문 전체 보기

Won't load game disks to the conclusion

Game won't load all the way through and says there's a read issue, anyone who has any suggestions would be appreciated

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There can be number of issues.
Check the games CD itself if it is scratched deeply there is big chance your consoles reader is no available to read it because there is damage on the CD beyond reading it which means you will need replacement CD.
If the CD is fine there might be your consoles CD reader is either full of dust and that disrupts its functionality or either it is going bad and needs replacement.
CD readers are common issue for these consoles.

If it is not CD and digital copy of the game there is also possibility that Hard Drive itself might be going bad if it is no able to read/write data correctly.

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