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Repair information and disassembly guides for Sony PlayStation controllers.

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Why my controller battery connector doesn't working?

After disassembling the controller, I'm aware that a defective or shorted battery connector could be the source of the issue. Sadly, there is no power coming out of the connector. Prior to plugging in, I measured 4 volts from the battery. I'm still trying to figure out what caused the battery jack to break.

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Hi Jason! First things first, it looks like that it's a PS4 controller, right? If yes, please change the category to the correct controller (PS4 V1 or V2).

Second: What did you tried to do? What happened? Did it stopped working out of it self? Or did tried to fix something else first?

Thanks in advance!

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Looks a little like the connector on the motherboard has it's left pin (respective to the image) broken off. Check whether the corresponding terminal on the battery has a little pin stuck inside of it. If that's the case then you're going to have to replace the motherboard connector. You could solder the battery directly to the motherboard to avoid replacing the connector, but that is generally a bad idea as it's easy to short the battery accidentally while soldering so I do not suggest it.

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